
推荐人:网络投稿 来源: 互联网 时间: 2022-06-23 21:38 阅读:
Dear teachers and classmates of the New Year's Draft: Good morning everyone! The cold wind is steep and the winter meaning is strong. In a blink of an eye, we have said goodbye to the unforgettable 2011, and we have moved into 2011 that we look forward to and look forward to it. Facing the first ray of dawn of dawn, we gathered under the national underworld, organized the 2011 2011, looking forward to the new year. Here, I expressed the blessings of the New Year to all my loved teachers and dear classmates! May you set sail with the bell of the New Year in happiness. Looking back at 2011, each of us could not help but feel surging and emoted. During this semester, the teachers worked hard and the students studied hard. We have been happy to gain our achievements and taste the success. And joy; we have also lost, and we are sad for our efforts and returns; in order to study and work some unsatisfactory brains \u0026 hellip; \u0026 hellip; Actually, this is life. For lack, people have sadness and joy, success or failure, honor and disgrace, sweet and sourness, and we have dressed our life. The time we spent with our classmates decreased day by day. Perhaps, we are busy dealing with our many problems on weekdays and ignore the communication with the people around you, but this will not affect our gathering with friends. The school is a big family and a big stage. We provide us with a one. The opportunity to communicate and communicate well has also created a platform for us to show ourselves. On this stage, we will gain a lot of surprises, there will be a joyful laughter, and there will be a touch of flashing, because each of us is a member of this family. The study of a semester is like a marathon game, and we ushered in the final sprint. In this long -distance running process, you may have laughter, tears, happy, and loss, but you finally need to run this game. (Inspirational speech; www.geyan123.com) As for whether you want to omit or say or an exclamation mark for this game, you are determined by your last sprint. Classmates, the footsteps of the old man are moving quietly. Didn't we all feel like arrows and sun and moon? The Eastern Jin Dynasty poet Tao Yuanming once sighed like this: \u0026 ldquo; The year of prosperity does not come back, it is difficult to get in the morning for a day, and encourage it in time

  新年國旗下講話稿    尊敬的各位老師、各位同學:    大家早上好!    寒風料峭,冬意正濃,轉眼間,我們已揮別了難忘的2011年,邁進了更加令我們期待和憧憬的2011年。迎著黎明的第一縷曙光,我們匯聚在國旗下,整理剛剛走過的2011,展望新的一年。在此,我向全體敬愛的老師和親愛的同學們表示新年的祝福!愿你們伴隨著新年的鐘聲在快樂中啟航。    回首2011年,我們每個人都不免心潮澎湃,感慨萬千.在這個學期里,老師們辛勤的工作著,同學們刻苦的學習著.我們都曾高興過,為我們收獲了成績、品嘗到成功而喜悅;我們也曾失落過,為我們的付出與回報不成比例而難過;為學習和工作中的一些不盡人意而大傷腦筋……其實,這就是生活吧,天有陰晴圓缺,人有悲歡離合,成敗榮辱,酸甜苦辣,把我們的生活裝扮的有滋有味……    春節將至,不知不覺中一年又過去了。我們與同學們共度的時光在一天天的減少。也許,在平日里我們忙于應付自己的眾多問題而忽視了與周圍人的交流,但這并不會影響我們與朋友的相聚,學校就是一個大家庭,更是一個大舞臺,為我們提供了一個很好交流、溝通的機會,也為我們創造了展示自我的平臺。在這個舞臺上,我們將會收獲很多的驚喜,會有被釋放的歡樂笑聲,會有感動人心的閃光盈盈,因為,我們每一個人都是這個家庭的一分子。    一學期的學習就像一場馬拉松比賽一樣,我們又迎來了最后的沖刺。在這次長跑過程中,你可能有歡笑、有淚水、有開心、也有失落,但你最終需要跑完這場比賽。(勵志演講; www.geyan123.com)至于你是要給這場比賽畫省略號還是句號或是感嘆號,都由你這最后的沖刺來決定。    同學們,時光老人的腳步在悄悄挪移,我們不是都有光陰似箭、日月如梭的感覺嗎?東晉詩人陶淵明曾有過這樣的感嘆:“盛年不重來,一日難再晨,及時當勉勵,歲月不待人。我們也不乏這種緊迫感。我們正值青春年少,正是生命中的春天,我們將成為時代洪流中搏擊風浪的新一代。生逢此時,榮幸又艱巨。讀書,是一切成大事者的必由之路,是一切創造的基礎。認真讀書是時代的要求。我們要用勤奮和汗水夯實學業大廈的地基,用拼搏向時光索取價值,用雙手為鮮艷的五星紅旗添彩。    親愛的同學們,當你沉浸于歡樂之中時,請不要忘記即將到來的期末考試,更不要忘了新的一年應該有新的目標,新的人生起點。2012年的那張白紙正等著你的繪畫,不要讓畫紙上留有你悔恨的一筆。    “雄關漫道真如鐵,而今邁步從頭越,親愛的同學們,2012,是一個新的開始,是一個新的未來。讓我們一起來不斷追求卓越,超越自我;讓我們每個人今天都比昨天過得更有意義;讓我們每天進步快樂不只是一點點!    讓我們迎著新年的朝霞,邁著自信而矯健的步伐,去實現屬于我們的光榮和夢想吧!    我的演講到此結束,謝謝大家。
