
推荐人:网络投稿 来源: 网络资源 时间: 2022-06-23 21:39 阅读:
Mobilization of the Teachers of the Senior Entrance Examination Speaking, the leaders, teachers, dear classmates: Hello everyone! Today is an unusual day. Because from today, you are the students of graduation class. Just now, each class vowed to make us surging. Yes, the war drums have been stunned, and the horn of entering the march has sounded. At this moment, the heart of all our junior high school teachers jump with the classmates! When you are coming out, we are solemnly promised to you: we will use the strongest strength, the most selfless dedication, and the most intimate care to become your strongest backing! \u0026 Ldquo; Three minutes are doomed, seven points rely on hard work, you will win if you fight hard! Our future should be controlled by ourselves! Even if the prospects cannot be measured, we must also be under wind and rain! Life is wonderful because of hard work. As long as life is still alive, the footsteps should not stop! Get up the courage, seize the opportunities of every day, seize every second, do not bother to spend a young age, do not achieve the goal, never give up! In just one year, the fingers, students, at this critical moment, the most taboo is empty thoughts without action. In the classroom, you must replace the sleepy figure with the eyes of thirsty knowledge; you must replace you with nervous and efficient thinking in self -study classes. You can't walk slowly or chaos in a shot. (Inspirational movie; www.geyan123.com) Especially when we are going to face the summer vacation, we need to scramble for time and arrange our own learning. The loss of time cannot be changed, but the loss of knowledge can be replaced by strong will and actual actions! We must firmly believe that as long as you pay, there will be a return! The third grade is an important stop on the way of life. Do not consume too much energy and time in the enjoyment of the moment. The teacher knows that you are tired, but the hard -working reading is to ignite the faith! The teacher knows that you are very bitter, but Dai Xing Dai Yue is a good tomorrow! Classmates, we all came from the wind and rain in the past two years. In the last year, for our ideal, why is it impossible for our ideal? For our lives, what are the fear of three more sleeping and five? Classmates, you carry too much hope on your shoulders. As a teacher, we are willing to share responsibility for you, and do all our energy and hard work for you, \u0026 ldquo;

  中考動員會教師代表發言稿    各位領導、老師、親愛的同學們:    大家好!    今天,是一個不同尋常的日子。因為從今天起你們就是畢業班的學生了。剛才,各班誓言錚錚,讓我們心潮澎湃。是的出征的戰鼓已經擂起,進軍的號角已經吹響,此時此刻,我們全體初三老師的心正和同學們一起跳動!在你們出征迎戰之時,蓄勢待發之際,我們鄭重向你們承諾:我們將用最雄厚的實力、最無私的奉獻、最貼心的關懷成為你們最堅強的后盾!    “三分天注定,七分靠打拼,愛拼就會贏!我們的未來應該由我們自己來掌控!縱使前景無法測定,也一定要頂著風雨,披荊斬棘!人生因拼搏才精彩,只要生命依舊鮮活,前行的腳步就不該停止!鼓起勇氣,抓住每一天的機遇,抓住每一秒時間,不要枉費年少時光,不達目的,絕不言棄!    短短一年,彈指一揮間,同學們,在這關鍵時刻,最忌諱的是空有想法而沒有行動。課堂上你們一定要用渴求知識的雙眼替換困倦的身影;自習課上一定要用緊張高效的思考替換你左顧右盼磨磨蹭蹭的行為,重中之重,你們要有計劃地跟著老師的節拍走,一拍都不能走慢、走亂。(勵志電影; www.geyan123.com)尤其是我們將要面對的暑假,更需要爭分奪秒,有計劃的安排自己的學習。失去的時間無法換回,但失去的知識卻可憑堅強的意志,實際的行動來換回!要堅信,只要付出,就一定會有回報!    初三是人生征途中的重要一站,千萬不要把太多的精力和時間消耗在一時的享樂當中,老師知道你們很累,但寒窗苦讀是為的就是把信念點燃!老師知道你們很苦,但披星戴月為的就是擁有美好的明天!同學們,前面兩年我們都從風雨中走來了,在這最后一年,為了我們的理想,頭懸梁錐刺股有何不可?為了我們的人生,三更睡五更起又有何懼?同學們,你們的肩上承載著太多的希望,作為老師,我們愿意為你們分擔責任,為你們傾盡我們全部的精力和心血,“甘將心血化時雨,潤出桃花一片紅。我們相信,通過我們師生的共同努力,以我們共同的智慧駕馭戰場,定能決勝中考!就讓我們用信心,用耐力,用壓倒一切的勁頭,勇敢地接受來自命運的挑戰!    同學們,青春的腳步,為我們敲響了出征的戰鼓;誓言的手臂,為我們揚起了奮蹄的長鞭。讓我們展開飛翔的翅膀,邁開堅定的步伐,跨過命運的門檻,朝著我們的理想奮勇出擊!讓我們與夢想簽約,為母校再創佳績!    謝謝大家!    初三全體教師    2011-3-20
