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1. I am waiting for your Enzo Classic Quotations in the rain 1. Your heart determines what you see.We are the creators of our own destiny.2. During the car, your eyes1.我在雨中等你的恩佐經典語錄












The Art of Racing in the Rain 我在雨中等你 Book Description: Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: a philosopher with a nearly human soul (and an obsession with opposable thumbs), he has educated himself by watching television extensively, and by listening very closely to the words of his master, Denny Swift, an up-and-coming race car driver. Through Denny, Enzo has gained tremendous insight into the human condition, and he sees that life, like racing, isn"t simply about going fast. Using the techniques needed on the race track, one can successfully navigate all of life"s ordeals. On the eve of his death, Enzo takes stock of his life, recalling all that he and his family have been through: the sacrifices Denny has made to succeed professionally; the unexpected loss of Eve, Denny"s wife; the three-year battle over their daughter, Zoe, whose maternal grandparents pulled every string to gain custody. In the end, despite what he sees as his own limitations, Enzo comes through heroically to preserve the Swift family, holding in his heart the dream that Denny will become a racing champion with Zoe at his side. Having learned what it takes to be a compassionate and successful person, the wise canine can barely wait until his next lifetime, when he is sure he will return as a man. A heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope, The Art of Racing in the Rain is a beautifully crafted and captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life . . . as only a dog could tell it. 中文簡介: 恩佐是一雙有人類靈魂的狗。


劇,大衛以善意的謊言蒙騙諾拉女兒已夭折,誰知這個決定從此讓整個家庭變了樣。 About Author: 賈斯.史坦1987年自哥倫比亞大學畢業, 1990年獲得文學學士學位。


作品:《我在雨中等你》(The Art of Racing in the Rain)、《單身伊凡》(How Evan Broke His Head and Other Secrets),《渡鴉偷月》(Raven Stole the Moon)等。


The Art of Racing in the Rain 我在雨中等你Book Description:Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: a philosopher with a nearly human soul (and an obsession with opposable thumbs), he has educated himself by watching television extensively, and by listening very closely to the words of his master, Denny Swift, an up-and-coming race car driver.Through Denny, Enzo has gained tremendous insight into the human condition, and he sees that life, like racing, isn"t simply about going fast. Using the techniques needed on the race track, one can successfully navigate all of life"s ordeals.On the eve of his death, Enzo takes stock of his life, recalling all that he and his family have been through: the sacrifices Denny has made to succeed professionally; the unexpected loss of Eve, Denny"s wife; the three-year battle over their daughter, Zoe, whose maternal grandparents pulled every string to gain custody. In the end, despite what he sees as his own limitations, Enzo comes through heroically to preserve the Swift family, holding in his heart the dream that Denny will become a racing champion with Zoe at his side. Having learned what it takes to be a compassionate and successful person, the wise canine can barely wait until his next lifetime, when he is sure he will return as a man.A heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope, The Art of Racing in the Rain is a beautifully crafted and captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life . . . as only a dog could tell it.中文簡介:恩佐是一雙有人類靈魂的狗。


劇,大衛以善意的謊言蒙騙諾拉女兒已夭折,誰知這個決定從此讓整個家庭變了樣。 About Author:賈斯.史坦1987年自哥倫比亞大學畢業, 1990年獲得文學學士學位。


作品:《我在雨中等你》(The Art of Racing in the Rain)、《單身伊凡》(How Evan Broke His Head and Other Secrets),《渡鴉偷月》(Raven Stole the Moon)等。


簡介 · · · · · ·



獨獲國際暢銷書出版經紀人杰夫‧克萊曼(Jeff Kleinman)青睞!

美國出版鉅子Harper Collins 以超過百萬美金天價奪得全球英語版權!







我叫恩佐。我老以為自己是人,也一直覺得我和其他狗不一樣。我只是被塞進狗的身體,里面的靈魂才是真實的我。這里記錄著我和主人丹尼相依度過的風雨悲歡:當妻子凄涼死去, 當岳父母和他反目成仇,當他鐐銬加身被突然逮捕,唯有我知道真相。可是,我只是一只狗,我無法發音,不能說話……現在我老了,即將離開這個世界。我想與你分李我的故事,如果你愿意,就翻開書,我在故事里等你……


作者簡介 · · · · · ·

賈斯‧史坦(Garth Stein)

史坦的作品包括以下三本小說:2008年出版的《我在雨中等你》(The Art of Racing in the Rain)、2005年出版的《單身伊凡》(How Evan Broke His Head and Other Secrets)——獲頒2006年太平洋西北書商公會圖書獎(Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award),并榮獲美國獨立書商協會選書(Book Sense Pick)之精裝與平裝小說類選書,以及1998年出版的《渡鴉偷月》(Raven Stole the Moon)。此外,還著有一本長篇劇本《瓊斯兄弟》(Brother Jones),此劇於2005二月年在洛杉磯首演,被《洛杉磯時報》(L.A. Weekly)形容為「劇力萬均」。1987年史坦自哥倫比亞大學畢業后,繼續在該校的藝術學院深造,1990年獲得藝術碩士學位。畢業后,以制作紀錄片為業,多年來參與執導、制作與協制,多次獲得獎項。史坦出生并生長於西雅圖。他的母親是阿拉斯加南部的特領吉族印第安人(Tlingit Indian)與愛爾蘭混血,來自布魯克林的父親則是奧地利猶太移民的后代。史坦長大后移居紐約長達十八年,目前又重返西雅圖與家人同住,還養了一只叫彗星(Comet)的狗。


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