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1. Good English Sentence Edit 40 Chinese translator ~ These are famous sentences ~ quite worth copying, I compiled the serial number thinking1.英文美句摘抄40個 帶漢語翻譯

樓主好~這些都是名句哈~挺值得抄的,我編了序號 THOUGHT 思想篇1. If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?( P. B. Shelley , British poet )冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?( 英國詩人, 雪萊. P. B.)2. If you doubt yourself , then indeed you stand on shaky11 ground .(Ibsen , Norwegian dramatist )如果你懷疑自己,那么你的立足點確實不穩固了。

(挪威劇作家 易卜生)3. If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people"s backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher)如果你想走到高處,就要使用自己的兩條腿!不要讓別人把你抬到高處;不要坐在別人的背上和頭上。(德國哲學家 尼采. F. W.)4. It is at our mother"s knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest , but there is seldom any money in them.( Mark Twain , American writer )就是在我們母親的膝上,我們獲得了我們的最高尚、最真誠和最遠大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金錢。

(美國作家 馬克•吐溫)5. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.Alexander Dumas (Davy de La Pailleterie, French Writer)生活沒有目標就像航海沒有指南針。 (法國作家 大仲馬. A.)6. The ideals which have lighted my way , and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindness , beauty and truth .(Albert Einstein , American scientist)有些理想曾為我們引過道路,并不斷給我新的勇氣以欣然面對人生,那些理想就是——真、善、美。

(美國科學家 愛因斯坦 . A .)7. The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German Poet and dramatist)人生重要的事情就是確定一個偉大的目標,并決心實現它。(德國詩人、戲劇家 歌德 . J . M .)8. The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds .(Mark Twain , American writer)具有新想法的人在其想法實現之前是個怪人。

(美國作家 馬克•吐溫)9. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president)實現明天理想的唯一障礙是今天的疑慮。 (美國總統 羅斯福. F .)10. When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory .(Abraham Lincoln , American statesman)如果一個目的是正當而必須做的,則達到這個目的的必要手段也是正當而必須采取的。

(美國政治家 林肯. A.) SUCCESS 成功篇11. Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .( Thomas Edison , American inventor)有所成就是人生唯一的真正樂趣。( 美國發明家 愛迪生. T. )12. But has the last word been said ? Is all hope to be lost ? Is the defeat final No !(Charles De Gaulle , French president )但是難道敗局已定,勝利已經無望?不,不能這樣說! (法國總統 戴高樂. C.)13. I succeeded because I willed it ; I never hesitated .(Bonaparte Napoleon , French emperor )我成功是因為我有決心,從不躊躇 。

(法國皇帝 拿破侖. B .)14. If you wish to succeed , you should use persistence as your good friend , experience as your reference , prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. (Thomas Edison , American inventor )如果你希望成功,當以恒心為良友、以經驗為參謀、以謹慎為兄弟、以希望為哨兵。 (美國發明家 愛迪生. T.)15. Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily . (Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet).只有有耐心圓滿完成簡單工作的人,才能夠輕而易舉地完成困難的事。

(德國劇作家、詩人 席勒. F.)16. Power invariably means both responsibility and danger .(Theodore Roosevelt , American president)實力永遠意味著責任和危險。 (美國總統 羅斯福. T.)17. Success covers a multitude of blunders .(George Bernard Shaw , British Dramatist)成功由大量的失望鑄就。

( 英國劇作家 肖伯納. G.)18. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want , and if they cannot find them .they make them. (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist )在這個世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力尋找他們想要機會的人,如果找不到機會,他們就去創造機會。( 英國劇作家 肖伯納. G.)19. You have to believe in yourself . That"s the secret of success .(Charles Chaplin , American actor )人必須相信自己,這是成功的秘訣。

(美國演員 卓別林. C.) HEALTH 健康篇20. A light heart lives long .( William Shakespeare , British dramatist )豁達者長壽。 (英國劇作家 莎士比亞. W.)21. Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise .(Benjamin Franklin , American president )早睡早起會使人健康、富有和聰明。

(美國總統 富蘭克林. B.)22. Sloth , like rust , consumes faster than labor wears .(Benjamin Franklin ,。


You never know what you can do till you try· 不試怎知你不行呢?

You cannot catch old birds with chaff· 姜是老的辣;老鳥不上當。

Let sleeping dogs lie· 讓睡的狗躺著;勿惹是生非;勿打草驚蛇。

Never judge by appearances· 人不可貌相;不可以貌取人。

It is ill striving against the stream· 逆流而行困難。

Saying is one thing doing another· 說是一回事,做是另一回事;說來容易做來難。

Paddle your own canoe· 自力更生;自己搖槳。

Patience is a viryue· 忍耐是美德。

Life is shore and time is swift· 生命短暫,光陰飛逝;及時行樂。

Make haste slowly· 欲速則不達

The fairest rose is at last withered· 好花終須凋謝。

Every dog has his day· 狗也有走的一天;凡人皆有得意日。

First thrive and then wive· 先立業再成家。

Example is better than precept· 實例勝過口訓;身教重於言教。

The early bird catches the worm· 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃;捷足先登。

He laughs best who laughs last· 最后笑的人的最高興;別高興太早。

Sweet are uses of adversity· 塞翁失馬,焉知非福;禍中有福。

The best often the enemy of good· 完美是現況之敵。

Catch not at shadow and lose the substance· 勿抓影子而失去實質;不要舍本逐末。

Experience is th2e mother of wisdom· 經驗為智慧之母。

Birds in their litte nests agree· 同舟共濟;家和萬事興。

Better bend than break· 寧屈不斷;大丈夫能屈能伸。

Evrything comes to him who waits· 等待的人終必得到。

Every little helps· 點滴都有用;積少成多。

A good name is sooner lost than won· 好名聲得之難,失之易。

Easier said than done· 說時容易做時難;知易行難。

Enough is as good as a feast· 飽餐如同盛宴;凡事適可而止。

Bread is staff of life· 糧食是生活的支柱;民以食為天。

After a storm comes a calm· 否極泰來;雨過天晴。

The best of friends must part· 天下無不散的筵席。

Don"t put the cart before the horse· 不要把馬車放在馬前;勿本末倒置。

Hoist your sail when the wind is fair· 順風時揚帆;見機行事。

A contented is a perpetual feast· 知足常樂。

Better be sure than sorry· 寧安勿躁;安全總比后悔好。

All roads lead to Rome· 條條道路通羅馬;殊途同歸·

Blood is thicker than water· 血濃於水;疏不間親。

Brevity is the soul of wit· 言以簡潔為貴。



1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海內存知己,天涯若比鄰。

2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共濟。 3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常樂。

4. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一塹,長一智。 5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客隨主便。

6. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家書抵萬金。 7. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同歸。

8. All time is no time when it is past. 機不可失,時不再來。 9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一個蘋果,身體健康不求醫。

10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所見略同。 11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。

12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。 13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失馬,安知非福。

14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱。(民以食為天。)

15. Business is business. 公事公辦。 16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鳥先飛。

17. Courtesy costs nothing. 禮多人不怪。 18. Custom makes all things easy. 習慣成自然。

19. Desire has no rest. 人的欲望無止境。 20. Difficult the first time, easy the second. 一回生,二回熟。

21. Do not change horses in mid-stream. 別在河流中間換馬。 22. Do not have too many irons in the fire. 貪多嚼不爛。

23. Do not pull all your eggs in one basket. 別把所有的蛋都放在一個籃子里。(不要孤注一擲。)

24. Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班門弄斧。 25. East or west, home is the best. 東奔西跑,還是家里好。

26. Experience is the best teacher. 實踐出真知。 27. Fact is stranger than fiction. 事實比虛構更離奇。

(大千世界,無奇不有。) 28. Faith can move mountains. 信念能移山。

(精誠所至,金石為開。) 29. First impressions are half the battle. 先入為主。

30. Give as good as one gets. 一報還一報。(以德報德,以怨還怨。)

31. Give everyone his due. 一視同仁。 32. Good wine needs no bush. 酒香不怕巷子深。

33. Haste makes waste. 欲速則不達。(忙中常出錯。)

34. He that promises too much means nothing. 輕諾者寡信。 35. He who has an art has everywhere a part. 一招鮮,吃遍天。

36. He would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 千里之行始于足下。 37. Home is where the heart is. 心在哪里,哪里就是家。

38. If you are not inside a house, you don not know about its leaking. 不在屋里,不知漏雨。(親身經歷才有體會。)

39. In peace prepare for war. 平時準備戰時。(居安思危。)

40. It is never too late to mend. 亡羊補牢,猶未為晚。 41. It six of one and half a dozen of the other. 彼此彼此。

42. Just has long arms. 天網恢恢,疏而不漏。 43. Keep something for a rainy day. 未雨綢繆。

44. Life is a span. 人生如朝露。 45. Man proposes, God disposes. 謀事在人,成事在天。

46. Meet plot with plot. 將計就計。 47. Merry meet, merry part. 好聚好散。

48. Mind acts upon mind. 心有靈犀一點通。 49. Never hit a man when he is down. 不要落井下石。

50. Never judge by appearances. 切莫以貌取人。 51. No fire without smoke. 無風不起浪。

52. Nurture passes nature. 教養勝過天性。 53. One is never too old to learn. 活到老,學到老。

54. One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。(一花獨放不是春。)

55. One who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers. 曾經滄海難為水。 56. Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不見,心不煩。

57. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 58. Poverty is stranger to industry. 勤勞之人不受窮。

59. Rome was not built in a day. 羅馬不是一日建成的。(偉業非一日之功。)

60. Sense comes with age. 老馬識途。 61. So many men, so many minds. 人心各不同。

62. Some thing is learned every time a book is opened. 開卷有益。 63. Strike while the iron is hot. 趁熱打鐵。

64. The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there. 車到山前必有路。 65. The heart is seen in wine. 酒后吐真言。

66. The older the wiser. 人老智多。(姜還是老的辣。)

67. The worse luck now, the better another time. 風水輪流轉。 68. Thoughts are free from toll. 思想不用交稅。

(人人都可以自由思考。) 69. Time tries all things. 時間檢驗一切。

70. Use legs and have legs. 經常用腿,健步如飛。 71. Virtue never grows old. 美德常青。

72. Walls have ears. 隔墻有耳。 73. What is done cannot be undone. 覆水難收。

74. Wine in, truth out. 酒后吐真言。 75. You are only young once. 青春只有一次。

76. You cannot burn the candle at both ends. 蠟燭不可兩頭燃。(魚和熊掌不可兼得。)

77. You cannot have your cake and eat it. 有得就有失。(事難兩全其美。)

78. You never know till you have tried. 事非經過不知難。 79. Youth will be served. 青春好作樂。

80. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. 無知的狂熱是脫韁的野馬。 希。


1. Pain past is pleasure. (過去的痛苦就是快樂。)

[無論多么艱難一定要咬牙沖過去,將來回憶起來一定甜蜜無比。] 2. While there is life, there is hope. (有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。)

3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. (腦中有知識,勝過手中有金錢。)[從小灌輸給孩子的堅定信念。

] 4. Storms make trees take deeper roots. (風暴使樹木深深扎根。)[感激敵人,感激挫折!] 5. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. (心之所愿,無所不成。)

[堅持一個簡單的信念就一定會成功。] 6. The shortest answer is doing. (最簡單的回答就是干。)

[想說流利的英語嗎?那么現在就開口!心動不如嘴動。] 7. All things are difficult before they are easy. (凡事必先難后易。)

[放棄投機取巧的幻想。] 8. Great hopes make great man. (偉大的理想造就偉大的人。)

9. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。) 10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. (四個簡短的詞匯概括了成功的秘訣:多一點點!) [比別人多一點努力、多一點自律、多一點決心、多一點反省、多一點學習、多一點實踐、多一點瘋狂,多一點點就能創造奇跡!] 11. In doing we learn.(實踐長才干。)

12. East or west, home is best.(東好西好,還是家里最好。) 13. Two heads are better than one.(三個臭皮匠,頂個諸葛亮。)

14. Good company on the road is the shortest cut.(行路有良伴就是捷徑。) 15. Constant dropping wears the stone.(滴水穿石。)

16. Misfortunes never come alone/single.(禍不單行。) 17. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.(不經災禍不知福。)

18. Better late than never.(遲做總比不做好;晚來總比不來好。) 19. It"s never too late to mend.(過而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊補牢,猶未晚也。)

20. If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.(如果事情值得做,就值得做好。) 21. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.(無熱情成就不了偉業。)

22. Actions speak louder than words.(行動比語言更響亮。) 23. Lifeless, faultless.(只有死人才不犯錯誤。)

24. From small beginning come great things.(偉大始于渺小。) 25. One today is worth two tomorrows.(一個今天勝似兩個明天。)

26. Truth never fears investigation.(事實從來不怕調查。) 27. The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.(舌無骨卻能折斷骨。)

28. A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的嘗試是成功的一半。) 29. Knowing something of everything and everything of something. (通百藝而專一長。)

30. Good advice is beyond all price.(忠告是無價寶。)。

5.英語的名言警句和 漢語

1. No pain, no gain.沒有付出就沒有收獲 2. Nothing is impossible to a willful heart.有志者事竟成 3. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧 4. Love me, love my dog.愛屋及烏 5. ■ 1.Many of life"s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.——Thomas Alva Edison ■ 很多生活中的失敗是因為人們在放棄的時候不知道他們離成功已經有多么近了。

——愛迪生 ■ 2.Start by doing what"s necessary; then do what"s possible;and suddenly you are doing the impossible. ——St. Francis of Assisi ■ 一開始做一些必要做的事情;接著做有可能的事情;然后你就會突然發現自己正在做不可能的事情。——圣弗朗西斯 ■ Lord grant me the serenity to accept the thing I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference.——St.Francis of Assisi ■ 上帝賜予我在接受我不能改變的事情時的寧靜,賜予我改變我能夠駕馭的事物時的勇氣,還賜予我判別這兩者差別的智慧。

——圣弗朗西斯 ■ 4.Life is like an onion:You peel it off one layer at a time,and sometimes you weep.——Carl Sandburg ■ 生活像一頭洋蔥:你只能一層一層地把它剝開,有時你還得流淚。——卡爾·桑德堡 ■ 5.Politeness is like an air cushion:There maybe nothing in it, but it eases our jolts wonderfully.——Samuel Johnson ■ 禮貌像只氣墊:里面可能什么也沒有,但是卻能奇妙地減少顛簸。

——薩繆爾·約翰遜 ■ 6.Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.——Henri Bergson ■ 如行動的人那般思考,如思考的人那般行動。——亨利·伯格森 ■ 7.The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.——Franklin Roosevelt, American president ■ 實現明天理想的唯一障礙是今天的疑慮。

——美國總統富蘭克林·羅斯福 ■ Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. ——Francis Bacon,British philosopher ■ 歷史使人明智;詩詞使人靈秀;數學使人周密;自然哲學使人深刻;倫理使人莊重;邏輯修辭學使 人善辯。——英國哲學家弗蘭西斯·培根 ■ 9.To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.——Edmund Burke,British statesman ■ 學而不思,猶如食而不化。

——英國政治家愛德蒙德·伯克 ■ 10.A friend is,as it were,a second self.——Cicero,Ancient Roman statesman ■ 可以說,朋友是另一個自我。——古羅馬政治家西塞羅 ■ 11.Follow your own course,and let people talk.——Dante, A.,Italian poet ■ 走自己的路,讓別人去說吧。



1. Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .( Thomas Edison , American inventor) 有所成就是人生唯一的真正樂趣。

( 美國發明家 愛迪生. T. )2. I succeeded because I willed it ; I never hesitated .(Bonaparte Napoleon , French emperor ) 我成功是因為我有決心,從不躊躇 。 (法國皇帝 拿破侖. B .)3. If you wish to succeed , you should use persistence as your good friend , experience as your reference , prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. (Thomas Edison , American inventor ) 如果你希望成功,當以恒心為良友、以經驗為參謀、以謹慎為兄弟、以希望為哨兵。

(美國發明家 愛迪生. T.)4. Success covers a multitude of blunders .(George Bernard Shaw , British Dramatist) 成功由大量的失望鑄就。( 英國劇作家 肖伯納. G.) 5. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want , and if they cannot find them .they make them. (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist ) 在這個世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力尋找他們想要機會的人,如果找不到機會,他們就去創造機會。

( 英國劇作家 肖伯納. G.)6. You have to believe in yourself . That"s the secret of success .(Charles Chaplin , American actor ) 人必須相信自己,這是成功的秘訣。 (美國演員 卓別林. C.)7. Genius only means hard-working all one"s life. (Mendeleyer , Russian Chemist) 天才只意味著終身不懈的努力。

(俄國化學家 門捷列耶夫)8. I have nothing to offer but blood, toil tears and sweat. (Winston Churchill, British Politician) 我所能奉獻的沒有其它,只有熱血、辛勞、眼淚與汗水。(英國政治家 丘吉爾 . W.)9. Our destiny offers not only the cup of despair , but the chalice of opportunity.(Richard Nixon, American President ) 命運給予我們的不是失望之酒,而是機會之杯。

(美國總統 尼克松 . R.)10. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. (Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker) 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果實是甜蜜的。 (法國思想家 盧梭. J. J.)11. There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. (Karl Marx, German revolutionary ) 在科學上沒有平坦的大道,只有不畏勞苦沿著其崎嶇之路攀登的人,才有希望達到它光輝的頂點。

( 德國革命家 馬克思. K .)12. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say " impossible". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor ) 凡是決心取得勝利的人是從來不說“不可能的”。( 法國皇帝 拿破侖. B.)13. To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom. (Ronald Reagan , American President ) 為了保住這最后的、最偉大的自由堡壘,我們必須盡我們所能。

(美國總統 里根. R.)14. Where there is a will , there is a way .( Thomas Edison , American inventor ) 有志者,事竟成。 (美國發明家 愛迪生. T.)15. All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend .(Voltaire , French thinker) 人世間所有的榮華富貴不如一個好朋友。

(法國思想家 伏爾泰)16. If your Riches are yours , why don"t you take them with you to the other world ?(Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 如果財富是你的,那么你為什么不把它們和你一起帶到另一個世界去呢?(美國總統 富蘭克林. B.)17. Money is a good servant and a bad master .(Francis Bacon , British philosopher ) 金錢是善仆,也是惡主。( 英國哲學家 培根. F. )18. Money is like muck , not good except it be spread .(Francis Bacon , British philosopher) 金錢好比糞肥,只有撒到在大地才是有用之物。

(英國哲學家 培根. F.)19. No country , however rich , can afford the waste of its human resources .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president) 任何一個國家,不管它多么富裕,都浪費不起人力資源。(美國總統 羅斯富. F.)20. Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing .(Albert Einstein , American scientist ) 有時候一個人為不花錢得到的東西付出的代價最高。

(美國科學家 愛因斯坦. A.)21. A light heart lives long. ( William Shakespeare , British dramatist ) 豁達者長壽。 (英國劇作家 莎士比亞. W.)22. Early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 早睡早起會使人健康、富有和聰明。

(美國總統 富蘭克林. B.)23. Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears. (Benjamin Franklin , American president) 懶惰像生銹一樣,比操勞更能消耗身體。 (美國總統 富蘭克林. B.)24. The first wealth is health. (Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker ) 健康是人生第一財富。

(美國思想家 愛默生. R. W.)25. A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it; it would be hell on earth. (G. Bernard Shaw, British dramatist ) 終身幸福!這是任何。


1. Never say die.永不言敗。

2.No cross, no crown.不經歷風雨,怎么見彩虹。3.New wine in old bottles.舊瓶裝新酒。

4.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊補牢,為時未晚。5.No garden without its weeds.沒有不長草的園子。

6.No living man all things can.世上沒有萬事通。7.No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。

8.No man is born wise or learned.沒有生而知之者。9.No man is content.人心不足蛇吞象。

10.No man is wise at all times.聰明一世,糊涂一時。11.None are so blind as those who won"t see.視而不見。

12.None are so deaf as those who won"t hear.充耳不聞。13.No news is good news.沒有消息就是好消息。

14.No one can call back yesterday.昨日不會重現。15.No pains, no gains.沒有付出就沒有收獲。

16.No pleasure without pain.沒有苦就沒有樂。17.No rose without a thorn.沒有不帶刺的玫瑰。

18.No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。19.No smoke without fire.無風不起浪。

20.Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。21.Nothing dries sooner than a tear.眼淚干得最快。

22.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上無難事,只怕有心人。23.Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上無難事,只要肯登攀。

24.Nothing seek, nothing find.沒有追求就沒有收獲。25.Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.外出旅行,語言最要緊。

26.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有貧窮可以不勞而獲。27.Not to advance is to go back.不進則退。

28.Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.不懂世故,幼稚可笑。29.No way is impossible to courage.勇者無懼。

30.Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.軍人以服從命令為天職。31.Observation is the best teacher.觀察是最好的老師。

32.Offense is the best defense.進攻是最好的防御。33.Old friends and old wines are best.陳酒味醇,老友情深。

34.Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨。35.Once a man and twice a child.一次老,兩次小。

36.Once a thief, always a thief.偷盜一次,做賊一世。37.Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩。

38.One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一個和尚挑水喝,兩個和尚抬水喝,三個和尚沒水喝。39.One cannot put back the clock.時鐘不能倒轉。

40.One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.百聞不如一見。41.One false move may lose the game.一著不慎,滿盤皆輸。

42.One good turn deserves another.行善積德。43.One hour today is worth two tomorrow.爭分奪秒效率高。

44.One man"s fault is other man"s lesson.前車之鑒。45.One never loses anything by politeness.講禮貌不吃虧。

46.One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。47.One"s words reflect one"s thinking.言為心聲。

48.Out of debt, out of danger.無債一身輕。49.Out of office, out of danger.無官一身輕。

50.Out of sight, out of mind.眼不見,心為靜。51.Patience is the best remedy.忍耐是良藥。

52.Penny wise, pound foolish.貪小便宜吃大虧。53.Plain dealing is praised more than practiced.正大光明者,說到的多,做到的少。

54.Please the eye and plague the heart.貪圖一時快活,必然留下隱禍。55.Pleasure comes through toil.苦盡甘來。

56.Pour water into a sieve.竹籃子打水一場空。57.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

58.Praise is not pudding.恭維話不能當飯吃。59.Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse.好人越夸越好,壞人越夸越糟。

60.Prefer loss to unjust gain.寧可吃虧,不貪便宜。61.Prevention is better than cure.預防勝于治療。

62.Pride goes before, and shame comes after.驕傲使人落后。63.Promise is debt.一諾千金。

64.Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.諺語是日常經驗的結晶。65.Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。

66.Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。67.Put your shoulder to the wheel.鼎力相助。

68.Reading enriches the mind.開卷有益。69.Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.讀書健腦,運動強身。

70.Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.要人尊敬,必須自重。71.Rome is not built in a day.冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。

72.Saying is one thing and doing another.言行不一。73.Seeing is believing.眼見為實。

74.Seek the truth from facts.實事求是。75.Send a wise man on an errand, and say nothing to him.智者當差,不用交代。

76.Set a thief to catch a thief.以賊捉賊。77.Short accounts make long friends.好朋友勤算賬。

78.Something is better than nothing.聊勝于無。79.Soon learn, soon forgotten.學得快,忘得快。

80.Soon ripe, soon rotten.熟得快,爛得快。81.Speech is silver, silence is gold.能言是銀,沉默是金。

82.Still water run deep.靜水常深。83.Strike the iron while it is hot.趁熱打鐵。

84.Success belongs to the persevering.堅持就是勝利。85.Take things as they come.既來。


1.I love you not because who you are,but because who I am when I am with you. 我愛你不是因為你是誰,而是我在你面前是誰。

2.No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,wont make you cry. 沒有男人或女人值得你流淚,值得的那位不會讓你哭泣。 3.Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 一個真正的朋友是向你伸出手,觸動你心靈的人。

4.The worst way to miss some one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you cant have him. 想念一個人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能擁有他。 5.Never frown,even when you are sad,because youn ever know who is falling in love with your smile. 就算你不快樂也不要皺眉,因為你永遠不知道誰會愛上你的笑容。

6.To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world. 在世界上你可能只是某人,但對于某人你可能是世界。 7.Dont cry because it is over,smile because it happened. 不要因為完結而哭泣,要為曾經發生而微笑。

8.Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. 在你嘗試了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你變成一個更好的人和了解自己的人。 9.Dont try so hard,the best things come when you lease expect them to. 不要太努力去找,最好的事情是在最預計不到的時候出現的。

10.Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us. 生命是一束純凈的火焰,我們依靠自己內心看不見的太陽而存在。
