
推荐人:网络投稿 来源: 互联网 时间: 2022-07-01 00:17 阅读:


The Buddha asked;"what is the most valuable thing in the world?"The student answered:"The thing that we have lost and the thing that we haven"t got.""The Buddha didn"t say angthing.Several years past,the world has changed a lot.And the Buddha asked his students the same question again,and this time ,the students answered:"The most valuable thing in the world is just the thing that we have now""




The Buddha asked;"what is the most valuable thing in the world?"The student answered:"The thing that we have lost and the thing that we haven"t got.""The Buddha didn"t say angthing.Several years past,the world has changed a lot.And the Buddha asked his students the same question again,and this time ,the students answered:"The most valuable thing in the world is just the thing that we have now""可能有謬誤,望能幫到您。



若壞煩惱證解脫時,乃名為實。——《大般涅盤經》卷38------------------------Virtuous man, although one can attain the supernatural power and calm happiness of the four-dhyanas by cultivating and learning the thirty-seven aspects of the path to enlightenment (Bodhi-Paksika Dharma), it is still not named as reality. Only if one destroys afflictions and realizes liberation, can it then be named as reality.——The Great Nirvana Sutra (Mahapari-nirvana-sutra), Vol. 38【摘自:正覺電子報第51期】**************************************************如佛所說:“若自有縛,能解彼縛,無有是處;若自無縛,能解彼縛,斯有是處。”

是故菩薩不應起縛。——《維摩詰所說經》卷2------------------------As the Buddha said, “If one has fetters himself, he will not be able to help others sever theirs. If one is free from fetters, then he can help others sever theirs.” Therefore, bodhisattvas should not allow fetters to arise.——Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2【摘自:正覺電子報第91期】**************************************************世尊!我從今日乃至菩提,攝受正法終不忘失;何以故?忘失法者則忘大乘,忘大乘者則忘波羅蜜,忘波羅蜜者則不欲大乘;若菩薩不決定大乘者,則不能得攝受正法欲、隨所樂入,永不堪任越凡夫地;我見如是無量大過,又見未來攝受正法菩薩摩訶薩無量福利故,受此大受。

——《勝鬘師子吼一乘大方便方廣經》---------------------------------World-honored One (Bhagavan)! From now on until the attainment of Buddha Bodhi, I will embrace and never forget Dharma. Why? It is because one who forgets the Dharma will forget Mahayana, one who forgets the Mahayana will forget Paramita, and one who forgets the Paramita will not desire the Mahayana path. Bodhisattvas who do not resolve to follow the Mahayana way cannot hold the desire for Dharma, cannot enter into the joy of Dharma, and can never have the eligibility to transcend the state of ordinary beings. Seeing countless faults as such and also seeing the unlimited benefits for bodhisattvas who will embrace Dharma in the future, I resolve to take this Great Embracement.——The Lion"s Roar of Queen Srimala, the single-vehicle great expedience, the corrective and extensive Sutra [Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra]【摘自:正覺電子報第115期】 **************************************************。

4.英語全文翻譯 有好評哦



Monkey King plays tricks

Almost all Chinese, young or old, have heard of the Monkey King.

The Monkey King charater 1 " Journey to the West", a book written by Wu Cheng"en in the Ming Dynasty. The 2 tells what happens along the way when the Monkey King 3 Monk Tang to find lost Buddhist classics(佛經).

But it is the superhero, Monkey King, 4 catches people"s attention. People love him because he is 5 , never afraid of anyone 6 powful than he is. He goes to the Dragon King to get the golden cudgel(金箍棒). He brings 7 to the party held by the Queen of heaven. He is never scared by monsters even those stronger than himself.

People also are amused by his cleverness. He plays tricks(騙術) on monsters by tansforming(變形) into them. He even 8 jokes with the Budda.

The Monkey King has 9 thought of giving up. He meets all kinds of difficulties, even misunderstanding by his master, 10 he always meets his duty.

1. A. is out of B. is from C. named D. comes from

2. A. character B. letter C. story D. book

3. A. asks B. decribes C. advises D. helps

4. A. what B. that C. which D. who

5. A. terrible B. friendly C. suitable D. brave

6. A. a bit B. much C. more D. less

7. A. happiness B. trouble C. jokes D. cheer

8. A. sees B. plays C. takes D. has

9. A. ever B. never C. still D. yet

10. A. but B. or C. and D. so





















若壞煩惱證解脫時,乃名為實。——《大般涅盤經》卷38------------------------Virtuous man, although one can attain the supernatural power and calm happiness of the four-dhyanas by cultivating and learning the thirty-seven aspects of the path to enlightenment (Bodhi-Paksika Dharma), it is still not named as reality. Only if one destroys afflictions and realizes liberation, can it then be named as reality.——The Great Nirvana Sutra (Mahapari-nirvana-sutra), Vol. 38【摘自:正覺電子報第51期】**************************************************如佛所說:“若自有縛,能解彼縛,無有是處;若自無縛,能解彼縛,斯有是處。”

是故菩薩不應起縛。——《維摩詰所說經》卷2------------------------As the Buddha said, “If one has fetters himself, he will not be able to help others sever theirs. If one is free from fetters, then he can help others sever theirs.” Therefore, bodhisattvas should not allow fetters to arise.——Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2【摘自:正覺電子報第91期】**************************************************世尊!我從今日乃至菩提,攝受正法終不忘失;何以故?忘失法者則忘大乘,忘大乘者則忘波羅蜜,忘波羅蜜者則不欲大乘;若菩薩不決定大乘者,則不能得攝受正法欲、隨所樂入,永不堪任越凡夫地;我見如是無量大過,又見未來攝受正法菩薩摩訶薩無量福利故,受此大受。

——《勝鬘師子吼一乘大方便方廣經》---------------------------------World-honored One (Bhagavan)! From now on until the attainment of Buddha Bodhi, I will embrace and never forget Dharma. Why? It is because one who forgets the Dharma will forget Mahayana, one who forgets the Mahayana will forget Paramita, and one who forgets the Paramita will not desire the Mahayana path. Bodhisattvas who do not resolve to follow the Mahayana way cannot hold the desire for Dharma, cannot enter into the joy of Dharma, and can never have the eligibility to transcend the state of ordinary beings. Seeing countless faults as such and also seeing the unlimited benefits for bodhisattvas who will embrace Dharma in the future, I resolve to take this Great Embracement.——The Lion"s Roar of Queen Srimala, the single-vehicle great expedience, the corrective and extensive Sutra [Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra]【摘自:正覺電子報第115期】 **************************************************。


