
推荐人:网络投稿 来源: 网络资源 时间: 2022-07-19 05:40 阅读:
1. 有好的唯美而且简短的英语句子,最好是深奥的,每句不超过35个单


No one indebted for others,while many people don't know how to cherish others.


Eternity is not a distance but a decision.


Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell.


Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.

2. 唯美英语句子,中英文都要

1、The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death.But when I stand in front of you,yet you don't know that I love you.世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死,而是我就站在你的面前,你却不知道我爱你。

2、I want you to know,there is a person in this world,who will wait for you forever,irrespective of where and when,somehow you know,there is such a person.我要你知道,在这个世界上,总有一个人是等着你的,不管在什么时候,不管在什么地方,反正你知道,总有这么个人。

3. 十分简单的10个英语句子,比如:你好 之类的

I'd like to introduce my friend.我想介绍一下我的朋友。

It's nice meeting you.很高兴认识你。

Nice meeting you, too.我也很高兴认识你。

I've heard a lot about you.我听说过许多关于你的事情。/ 久仰大名。

Let me introduce myself.让我介绍一下自己。

Let's call it a day.我们今天就做到这儿吧。

You mean a lot to me.你对我来说太重要了。

I'm Looking Forward to It. 我期待着这件事

I've been working hard for a whole year. I really need a break.我辛辛苦苦工作了整整一年。我真得歇歇了。

That's true. You need to take some time off to relax.真的。你需要抽出一些时间放松一下。

You said it. I'm looking forward to my annual vacation.你说得没错。我正期待着年假的到来。

When are you going to take your vacation?你什么时候开始休假?

Later this month. I can't wait!这个月底。我等不及了!

I really envy you. I'm not taking my vacation until December.我真羡慕你。我要到十二月份才能休假。

Mr. Wang, have you enjoyed your stay here?王先生,你在这儿过得愉快吗?

Of course, I've enjoyed it very much. I've met my old friends and made some new friends.当然,我过得很愉快。我见到了我的老朋友,还结识了一些新朋友

We've all enjoyed being with you. When will you come back?我们都喜欢跟你在一起。你什么时候回来?

Sometime next year.明年的某个时候。

I'm looking forward to seeing you again.Take care.我期待再一次见到你,多保重

The same to you. Keep in touch. 你也一样。保持联系。

4. 找歌词很唯美的英语歌曲

Youth Asylum - Color Everywhere Use to seen black and white never any in between waiting all the love of my life to come into my dreams everything is shades of gray never any blues or green needing someone else to turn to someone who could help me learn and see all the beauty that was waiting for me You,you put the blue back in the sky you put the rainbow in my eyes a silver lining in my prayer and now theres color everywhere you put the red back in the rose just when i needed it the most you came along to show you care and theres color everywhere, everwhere My life is so protect and bold never in a mystery but ever since you shine the light all of that history and now I have a hand to hold all the reasons to believe,Yes. If someone in my life was worth living for I was hangin' around just wishing all is done To put the happiness back in my heart And you,you put the blue back in the sky you put the rainbow in my eyes a silver lining in my prayer and now theres color everywhere you put the red back in the rose just when i needed it the most you came along to show you care and now theres color everywhere a silver lining in my prayer and now theres color everywhere Left those hazy days behind me never to return again now they're just a faded memory ohhohh. Cuz baby its all so clear to see The beauty that is waiting there for me You,you put the blue back in the sky you put the rainbow in my eyes a silver lining in my prayer and now theres color everywhere you put the red back in the rose just when i needed it the most you came along to show me you care and now theres color everywhere a silver lining in my prayer and now theres color everywhere you came along to show me you care and now theres color everywhere Now I have a hand to hold And a reason to believeThank You --Sarah Connor hah。

. thank you oh..oh。 and there's no greater love there's no greater choice and when i felt you like growing inside of me oh god has given me a gift so precious he must have made you from the cloud and angle's wings (now that you come into my life) (without you i know i cant survive) no。

cuz you're the reason that i live each day and i wannna thank you for all that you are thank you for being my light when it's dark thank you for bringing me choir each day im loving you more than any words can say thank you for giving my life a new song giving me reason to wanna stay strong thank you for everything that you've done you're my life my soul my sun you've come and changed my life that's why i feel inside is the choir i know would never have before and though i made mistake there's something you should know i dedicate my love my life to you (now that you come into my life) (without you i know i cant survive) you're the reason that i live each day and i wannna thank you for all that you are thank you for being my light when it's dark thank you for bringing me choir each day im loving you more than any words can say thank you for giving my life a new song giving me reason to wanna stay strong thank you for everything that you've done you're my life my soul my sun (x4) i wanna..thank you!都写的很好。

5. 说说好听的英文歌曲

1. don't cry 这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。

总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋。 2.fade to black--METAllic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,相信国内有好多人都是听了这首歌的前奏才去学吉他的!METALLICA经典中的经典,也是METALLICA饱受争议的作品,因为当时有乐迷自杀就是出于这首歌,胆小别听哦~ 3. dreaming my dream--cranberries有着王菲一样变幻倚俪的唱腔,高雅离开了原本浩渺的苍穹来到人间,它带着冷漠的美艳,但又说着人身上的变动和永恒,爱尔兰的卡百利乐队就这样汲取了精灵与传说的浩渺气质,沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的故事,爱情,历史,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而真切的女声中。

(卡百利,本是蔓声浆果的藤蔓) 4. dying in the sun--cranberries不断地重复着放这首歌,简短迂回的旋律,简短迂回的歌词。平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎乎的,渴望在阳光下睡死。

5. never grow old--cranberries 最近常听朋友们说时间过得好快~! 感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴! 不由得想起了这支歌~! 6.far away from home--groove coverage德国新晋乐队,这首歌已被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作,听了不下几百遍了,旋律好的很,女声好的很。 7.knocking on heaven's door--guns n' roses(“野蛮师姐”主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉,当然女生版的更加恬静,睡觉之前是要听的奥。

8. imagine--john lennon约翰列侬是全世界最成功的摇滚乐队“甲壳虫”(或叫披头士)(beatles)的灵魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂热的歌迷****打死的,他的死震惊了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目无宗教和governme-nt,在七十年代致力研究东方宗教和宣扬童话般的爱(有一颗小星星是以他的名字命名的),这声音听来象预言者的祈祷,而歌词依然是固执的理想,或许列侬所要求的泰国绝对,太过纯洁,但作为梦,难道你我就不曾有过吗? 9. yesterday--beatles这么经典的还说什么呢,电台点播率已经超过一亿次了,没听过的太逊了。10.let it be--beatles昔日创下了榜史纪录,也是Beatles解散时成员们的心态写照。

有时候生命的意义在于过程,至于结果就让它Let it be。 11.it's my life--bon jovi曾用来做CS的MTV背景音乐。

12.that's why(you go away)--meachael learns to rock半路在一家美发店的门前听到了that's why (you go away)的钢琴版!!! 感觉很好,这样听起来That's why就更经典了! (放的声音越大越有感觉哦) 13. you can't say(韩剧"爱上女主播"主题曲)相信大家对这首歌不会感到陌生了哦!!!每当旋律一起就能体会其中的柔情。 14. yesterday yes a day 温柔醇厚的声音,静静地用心体会,很舒服的21岁的挪威女孩marlin,自己写歌自己唱,一首充满浪漫气息的法国歌曲,就像爱人在你耳 边轻轻呢喃,超好听的。

15. heal the world--meachael kjackson他是疯狂热爱和不羁职责的承受者,年轻的巨富,心理怪异而各声纯洁的奇人,他富于创造,不向任何一个流派*拢,虽然,杰克逊现在的形象不好,但他曾经为世界的慈善事业作了很大的贡献,这首歌也正是他心意的表现吧。最起码他在音乐方面的高度是谁都无法否认的。

16.the girl is mine--meachael jackson.纯洁的仿佛童话,干净的让人不敢呼吸。 17. delicious way--仓木麻衣。

我本人也十分仇恨日本人的,但是听到这么纯洁的歌曲感觉到音乐真的是没有国界的哎~~ 18. under the sea小美人鱼(the little mermaid)插曲,可总感觉张邵晗唱的更有活力。再听听原唱的,就知道东西方文化的差异在哪里了。

19. fighter--Christina 厚重有力的嗓音穿透着我的耳膜,装饰着闪亮碎钻的眼眸冲击着我的视网膜。希望有一天,我能够成为那个fighter。

蛮有爆发力的一首歌。 20. without you--mariah carey我喜欢的歌星!因为她在唱功方面显得极为细腻,而且她的声线真的是性感迷人而且非常有爆发力和感染力。

~~这是高音上唯一可与i will always love you媲美的歌,下面还有一首两人合唱的,绝对体现唱功哦~~ 21. when you believe--mariah carey n' whitney houston不多说了,任何人都唱不成这样的。 22. Crying in the Rain大概算的上是欧美最具生命力的情歌之一了,这首出自民谣女歌手Carole King的作品对原来舒缓深情的作品来了一次颠覆性的改造。

23. never say goodbye--Hayley Westenra充满曼陀铃和竖琴声音的歌曲当中透显出一个宁静而美丽的少女形象,歌曲是从爱尔兰传统歌曲中改编过来,Hayley Westenra的声音如同丝线一般,在演唱技巧上更已达到完美的境地,而嗓音天生的优美更是让人不得不赞叹和艳羡。 24. Sugar Ray's Someday。

Sugar Ray(据说应该翻译作“拔丝”乐队-_-bbb),他们的音乐风格用一个字就可以形容——Summer,他们只在夏天出片,歌儿一听就让人想起夏天——总是阳光明媚、活泼愉快。与此相反的,他们的歌词却是比较深的,那个身上有着13个纹身、英俊得完全不像个rock band主唱的Mark McGrath经常用很夸张的肢体语言在MTV中摇摆,加上十分十分正宗的传统摇滚式配器,恐怕在今天。

6. 简单好听的英文歌曲

Sealed With a Kiss以吻封缄

dying in the sun--cranberries

Agnes Obel - Riverside



Alison Krauss---It Doesnt Matter



Katy Perry --- Teenage Dream

Stratovarius ----- Forever

伤感乐队stay --- hurts

音乐MV 马修.连恩《狼》之 布列瑟农Bressanone

Cry On My Shoulder

Stratovarius ----- Forever(经典推荐)

Titanic ----My heart will go on( 我心依旧)

Boys like girls--two is better than one

倪安东 - Sorry That I Loved You


西城男孩 - seasons in the sun - 阳光下的季节

Timbaland One Republic ----- Apologize

one republic - secrets

Taylor Swift - Love Story

克莱凯里森--because of you




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